Content Analyzer is a tool that we used during Rogue Spirit development to help us find issues with our content.
For example, you can easily find assets that don’t have any references, textures with adjusted settings, static meshes with specific collision types, sound cues with attenuation nodes, textures with wrong settings – and much more.
You can filter asset types using each column (eg num of LODs)
Static Meshes
Skel Meshes
Sound Cues
Sound Waves
Anim Sequences
Anim Montages
User Widgets
1.1 Update:
– Added a refresh button to gather the assets again without reopening the tool,
– Ability to select multiple assets on the list,
– NEW: added asset actions
* All: Find, Edit, Checkout, Save, Delete,
* All: Scripted Asset Actions like in Content Browser,
* Static Meshes: Remove Collision, Add Simple Collision, Set Collision Complexity, Set Collision Preset, Set LOD Group, Create LOD, Set Lightmap Resolution,
* Textures: Set Compression, Set Texture Group,
– Added ability to write comments for assets,
– Added thumbnail for the selected asset,
– Added thumbnail for assets in the view, (can be disabled in options for each asset type)
Missing feature? Ideas?
Feel free to use comments or email me directly.
Future planned
– Change fonts and visual settings,
– Add assets types (eg DataAssets) to disable them in the list view,
– Context search to be able to find specific things, (eg specific anim notify)
– Configure naming conventions for the assets,
– Configure LOD materials naming conventions for the SM/SK lod materials,
– Configure searching locations for the assets as now it’s using /Game/ root directory,
– 4.47 version,
Technical Details
(Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
Code Modules:
Number of C++ Classes: 5
Documentation: LINK
Supported Development Platforms: Win64
Supported Target Build Platforms: This is an editor tool which means it’s not added to your game.
Supported Engine Versions
5.0 – 5.1