Counter Attack System

Counter attack system is a component that helps save your time to create multi direction counter system (front, back, left and right) in your project. 100% Blueprint and Multiplayer Support. Using only one component, easy to use for all kinds of projects.

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Counter attack system is a component that helps save your time to create multi direction counter system (front, back, left and right) in your project. 100% Blueprint and Multiplayer Support. Using only one component, very easy to use for all kinds of projects. All counter settings are in one DataTable. You can use as many counter animations as you want every direction. In addition to the direction of the counter animation, it can also be differentiated based on the type of attack from the Counter time notification. The system has Enemy AI that can attack and rotate to player. Each AI attack has a notification widget timing for player counter.

The goal of the product is to help you create counter attack to AI quickly and simply. You just need to set up your counter animation in DataTable based on the direction you choose and let the system do the work.

Technical Details

Animation from the trailer are included.

More Animations:

Number of Animations: 15

Number of Blueprints: 15

Input: Keyboard / Mouse

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Not tested

Supported Engine Versions

5.1 – 5.3