Customizable Tables and Chairs

A collection of customizable tables and chairs made to fit a variety of environments.

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These tables and chairs can be used to decorate a wide variety of interior spaces for both games and architectural visualization. Each styles set includes an end table, coffee table, dining table and dining chair.

They are all controlled by a master material with instanced materials for each set and a large selection of easily changed values (base texture, color, level of wear and more)

Everything is Nanite ready, as well. Just enable it on any mesh you want, or all at once, with a single right-click.

(You cant use Nanite with transparent materials however, so if you enable it on any model using glass, they will show grey. Just swap out the transparent material if you want to use the model with Nanite)

Technical Details

All models were built to the same scale and fit the Unreal character. Each object style has their own material instances setup for easy iteration and their UVs are made for accepting most other tiled materials.

Physically-Based Rendering: Yes

Texture Size: 2048 for masks, 1024 for tiled textures and 512-256 decals

Collision: Automatically generated

Vertex Count: Average of 2000

LODs: Auto

Number of Meshes: 24

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 2 Masters, 41 Instances and 6 Decals

Number of Textures: 5 tileable sets, 24 AO/wear masks and 6 decals

Intended Platform: All

ImportantAdditional Notes: If you dont need the wear effect you can easily strip that set of nodes/textures from the master material. The base/tiled material is setup for a mask texture (Detail/Rough/Metal) and a Normal texture. The dining table instance material (“Mat_stylename+ding”) is the master for the set, if you want to change an entire sets look all at once.

Supported Engine Versions

4.15 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3