DevKit – Editor Palettes

Need to open 12 blueprints for a system all at once? This is the way. Improving development workflow with asset collections that can be saved in groups and reopened at your convenience! Asset management delivered to you in a few simple clicks!

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Delivers asset and blueprint management to you within the editor through creating ‘Palettes’ or asset collections that are saved and then can be reopened all at once.

If it is 20 animations and the character blueprint, you can save them all to a palette and reopen the lot in 2 simple clicks!

This editor plugin integrates directly with normal editor context menus and improves your workflow tremendously. Gone are the days where you get to navigate through a bunch of different folders to open all your assets. With the DevKit Palettes plugin you need only do that once and then simply open the palette every time after!

Palettes save across editor sessions and work on every development platform!

The plugin features several Palette management functions such as:

–       Adding and removing assets from Palettes

–       Saving all open assets to a Palette

–       Deleting Palettes

–       Custom Palette names and descriptions

–       Opening linked Palettes from a single asset

& plenty more everyday utilities for the content browser and editor! 


Technical Details

Code Modules:

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 5

Network Replicated: N/A

Supported Development Platforms: Win64, Win32, MacOS, Linux

Supported Target Build Platforms: N/A

Documentation: Link to DOCUMENTATION (← contains changelists to version updates)

Example Project: N/A

Important/Additional Notes: Is an Editor-Only Plugin

Supported Engine Versions

5.0 – 5.3