Dinosaur Pack

The dinosaur package includes nine dinosaurs and basic animations.

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It contains nine dinosaurs in a dinosaur package.

These dinosaurs all contain basic animations, It provides two types of modeling for mobile and PC. Future animations will be updated.

Dino List

Raptor, Ankylosaur, Ornithomimus, Parasaurolophus, Brachiosaurus, Pteranodon, Stegosaurus, Trex, Triceratops

– Update –

2019.03.25 Add dying action : https://youtu.be/g3UZRZjypYU

Added Ankylosaur Tail Attack

2019.03.27 Price discount of $ 99.99

Technical Details

(Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

Scaled to Epic skeleton: (No)

Rigged: (Yes)

Rigged to Epic skeleton: (No)

Animated: (Yes)

Number of characters: 9

Vertex counts of characters: LP Type (1138-3344), MP Type(3145-13402)

Texture Resolutions: Dino_Texture 2k size (Diffuse, Normal, Roughness,Metallic, AmbientOcclusion), eye_Texture 512 size (Diffuse), Resolutions 72

Number of Animations:

01. Raptor (Attack 3, Damage 2, Idle 2, Jump 1, Walk 2, Run 1, Death 1)

02. Ankylosaur (Attack 1, Idle 3, Jump 1, Walk 1, Run 1, Death 1)

03. Ornithomimus (Attack 2, Idle 2, Jump 1, Walk 1, Run 1, Death 1)

04. Parasaurolophus (Attack 1, Idle 2, Jump 1, Walk 1, Run 1, Death 1)

05. Brachiosaurus (Attack 1, Idle 3, Walk 2, Death 1)

06. Pteranodon (Attack 2, Idle 2, Fly 3, Death 1)

07. Stegosaurus (Attack 1, Idle 2, Jump 1, Walk 1, Run 1, Death 1)

08. Tyranosaurus rex (Attack 1, Idle 2, Jump 1, Walk 1, Run 1, Death 1)

09. Triceratops (Attack 1, Idle 2, Jump 1, Walk 1, Run 1, Death 1)

Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): In-place

Supported Development Platforms: (PC, Mobile, Windows)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (PC, Mobile, Windows)

Documentation: (No)

Supported Engine Versions

4.15 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3