DMXblueprints Bundle

Three DMX control asset packs in a bundle: DMXlights for DMX control of Unreal Engine lights, DMXtransform for DMX control of transform parameters (location, rotation, and scale), and DMXmotion, for DMX control of blendspace animation

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Video tutorials:

DMXlights Overview

DMXlights Prerequisites

DMXlights Workflow

DMXlights enables DMX control of standard Unreal Engine lights. Users with a background in lighting design or lighting programming may appreciate the ability to control the parameters of these lights using the console of their choice.

The asset has DMX blueprints for five standard UE lights: directional, point, spot, rect, and sky light. The sixth blueprint, called DMXmat enables DMX control of the location, rotation, and scale of the static mesh. Dynamic material instance can be applied to the static mesh, and the color and brightness of the material can also be DMX controlled.

Video tutorial: DMXtransform Video

DMXtransform is a system of blueprints that enables changing the transform parameters (location, rotation, and scale) of an actor from any DMX lighting console. That way, a lighting designer or lighting programmer can store lighting looks and related object transform changes, for example truss height or rotation, into the same cue. In some cases, it could be more convenient than programming these changes in a sequencer. If necessary, the DMX stream can be recorded by Take Racorder and used in a Sequencer later.

Video tutorials:

DMXmotionOverview Video

DMXmotion Workflow Video

DMXmotion is a system of blueprints that enable changing character animations and animation rate speeds from any DMX lighting console. It enables a lighting designer or lighting programmer to store lighting looks and related character animations into the same cue, which can be very convenient for programming lighting previews or creating virtual music events that include animated characters.

GDTF files for easy patching to a DMX Library are provided for all blueprints. The same files can be used for patching to GDTF-enabled DMX consoles, such as grandMA 3 or MagicQ.

XML prifile files for patching to grandMA 2 and dot.2 consioles are also provided.

For all asset packs:

Technical Details

Number of Blueprints: 19 (DMXlight: 6; DMXtransform: 9; DMXmotion: 4)

Input: any DMX lighting console via Art-Net or sACN protocol, using DMX Engine and DMX protocol plugins

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:



Supported Engine Versions

5.1 – 5.3