10 exterior doors pack.
Each door has a personal blueprint.
Some single meshes have a few different layers, so you can use a few different materials to make your doors whatever you need. Any angle for any door. The pivot points are in the correct positions. Use the blueprints to change the angle of a doors.
Door sizes:
Doors 012-017 – DOORWAY – 2600×2200, DOOR – 2390×1800
Doors 018-021 – DOORWAY – 3000×2600, DOOR – 2180×1000
Technical Details
Collision: Yes (automatically generated)
LODs: No
Number of Unique Meshes: 21 total
Number of Materials: 5 simple materials
Number of Master Materials: 1
Material Instances: 10
Material Functions: 3
Number of Textures: 19
Number of Blueprints: 10
Texture Resolutions: 2k/4k
Total project size: ~80 Mb
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Supported Engine Versions
5.2 – 5.3