(UPD – 2022)
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This system does provide Easy AI component, that can be attached to any kind of actor class(not only pawns and characters) that actor can directly start to navigate and use complex tasks and services.
System does have advanced path management that works for any type of grounded characters/actors or vehicles, it does finds path by navmesh and provides path data for any kind of custom movement system or locomotion, easily can be used to move any kind of actor, can used with custom navigation system for flying actors.
Component includes easy tool functions to destroy/clear/replace any AI controller and its data on the fly,
AI tree can pause/resume with latest instructions, or replace/switch tree easily at runtime.
System can destroy/clear AI controller to clean performance, by default AI controllers are persist in the world,
but easy AI component auto destroys them with actor, we can manually destroy and replace AI controllers.
Easy task and tree management, build AI quickly by communicating directly between tree branches and tasks.
Includes multiple bonus systems as examples, like strategic rectangle selection, groups/formations and factions management, workspace/resource, attacking, date/time based AI behavior.
This system should greatly simplify custom AI building process, so developers can quickly jump into building AI logic directly, without wasting time to hard-code management and navigation sorting, this toolkit provides all the important setups and simplifications to AI system.
Versions: 4.19.2-4.24+
The projects made in older engine versions should work fine in newer engine versions by default, in most cases there is no need for update if it’s outdated, but sometimes the engine does change some functions and it may lead to errors in newer engine versions, if you found any errors then notify us and we will make quick fix for the new engine version.
Recommended to have at least basic understanding of blueprints, do not purchase this system if you are very new to engine, if you need help or have questions then write to our support email.
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I hope to support more content creators in the future!
Our best systems in UE4 Marketplace (video playlist).
Technical Details
Number of Blueprints: 7
Input: Keyboard/Mouse/Any
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: All(Tested only on windows)
Supported Target Build Platforms: All(Tested only on windows)
New version is compatible with engine versions: 4.19.2-4.26
About version compatibility: The projects made in older engine versions should work fine in newer engine versions by default, in most cases there is no need for update if it’s outdated, but sometimes the engine does change some functions and it may lead to errors in newer engine versions, if you found any errors then notify us and we will make quick fix for the new engine version.
Recommended to have at least basic understanding of blueprints, do not purchase this system if you are very new to engine, if you need help or have questions then write to our support email.
Supported Engine Versions
4.19 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.1