Demo Preview:
Comprehensive controls menu setup tutorial (1 hour):
This plugin comes with everything you need to setup fully functional & game ready input remapping/rebinding. Included are all of the functions you need for remapping, as well as a demo project that shows the plugin in action (with a playable character). The functions are all well thought out and the code is documented with comments, so that customization is as easy as changing a single line of code! Included in the demo is a fully working controls menu like you might find in a shipped game, that has an area for PC controls, as well as gamepad presets.
Technical Details
Number of Blueprints (Demo Remapping Menu): 5 Widget Blueprints, 1 Struct, 2 Enums, 1 Character, 1 Game Mode, 1 Function Library
List of
• Comprehensive blueprint nodes that allow you to seamlessly rebind inputs in your game.
• Rebind any action/axis mapping
• Create new, and remove existing mappings.
• Find action/axis mappings using several filters
• Comparison operators for mappings
• Demo menu to demonstrate remapping in action (Includes gamepad preset example)
Intended Platforms: ALL
Platforms tested: PC, Android
Example Projects (to be used after installing the plugin):
Example Projects Directory [Click Here]
Supported Engine Versions
4.10 – 4.22