Runtime Demo UE5.2: Egypt Ruins (Uses nVidia DLSS)
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Also Check:
Our Artstation:
Make sure you download and use our DefaultEngine.ini EgyptRuins_Default Settings (UE5.2) (PC)
Please make sure to enable Nanite, Lumen and Virtual Shadows in project Settings and update graphics drivers to a latest version.
Enabling Virtual Shadow Support
Requiers RTX graphics card 2060 or 3050 minimum
Target RTX 3080 – 100 fps
Tested on Windows 10, 11
Technical Details
Number of Unique Meshes:
Nanite Vertexes:
Number of Materials and Material Instances:
Number of Textures:
LODs: No (Intendet to use with Nanite, Fallback Mesh)
Collision: Accurate collisions
Texture Resolutions: 512 – 8192. Most of the textures 4k
Supported Engine Versions
5.2 – 5.3