.exe Extension & Process Management

This plugin offers a range of features for executing and terminating .exe files as well as managing/handling processes.

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(Older versions of the plugin exist, which are missing some nodes advertised. This is due to the marketplace not allowing plugin updates for older versions than the newest three. If you still need the features of the newer versions, feel free to reach out, and I will be happy to provide the plugin files to you.)

This Unreal Engine plugin offers a range of features for executing & terminating .exe files, as well as obtaining information about processes. As a game developer with over 7 years of experience using Unreal Engine, I created this plugin to solve the problem of not being able to start .exe files with blueprints. With this plugin you can create launchers, launch anti-cheat software and many other things.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Great plugin, easy to use and super friendly author

“Great plugin, easy to use and super friendly author, I would recommend”

By MrKams1 on September 18, 2022 11:48 PM

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I have the POWER!!! This ‘Tool Set’ is amazing and even fun… THANK YOU!

“I never realized how powerful it is to be able to list, query, execute (run), terminate and have such total control over Windows .exe executable files from within an Unreal Blueprint, it really opens up the possibilities! […] I realized, this opens things up enormously, so many creative ways to use this. […] The Developer is one of the most responsive and ‘collaborative spirit’ marketplace Devs I’ve ever dealt with.  There are already new features, just between my finding the tool a few days ago, and buying it yesterday.  […] It is so logical, I got it working in a weekend!  […] I’m very impressed, and this was exactly what we needed for our VR Launcher.  If you have any related need, or even a vague interest for such THANOS-LIKE immense world controlling power, I promise you that it will come in handy in ways you never even thought of […] THANK YOU!”

By MindMelder4D on January 2, 2023 8:13 AM

+ 2 more ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ratings

Version 6.2 (Sep 15, 2023) (Current Version for UE5.3)

Version 6.1 (Oct 07, 2023) (Current Version for UE5.2 & UE5.1)

Version 6.0 (Oct 01, 2023)

Big changes:

Fixed issues, bugs, and other small stuff:

Version 5.1 (Mar 12, 2023) (Current Version for UE5.0 & UE4.27)

Full changelog visible in the products documentation

Technical Details

Code Modules: KB_Exe_E, Runtime & KB_Exe_E_Editor, Editor & KB_Exe_E_EditorHelper, Editor

Number of Blueprints: 2 (Just for in-editor changelog)

Number of C++ Classes: 8

Supported Development Platforms: Win64

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64

Documentation: View

Supported Engine Versions

4.26 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3