Explosion SFX Pack

A massive pack of high-quality, professionally-produced explosion sounds for your game!

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Get your hands on a wide range of sounds perfect for realistic and sci-fi explosions. Acquire sounds for all your destruction needs including grenades, ripping wood, shattering glass, underwater torpedo blasts, distant explosive tails, as well as car and building demolitions among many others. Professionally recorded and designed, these sounds are a must-have to bring your game the polish you are looking for.


Get a complete arsenal of unique and original explosion sound effects. All sounds in Explosion SFX Pack are drag-and-drop ready for your project. Every audio file is easily searchable as they were meticulously organized into categories to make it easy to find the perfect sound for your project.



Included in this pack:

Bonus Content (132 files total)

Designed Glass (49 files total)

Designed Impacts (112 files total)

Designed Metal (61 files total)

Designed Sci-Fi (138 files total)

Designed Snaps (37 files total)

Designed Tails (142 files total)

Designed Transients (44 files total)

Designed Underwater (78 files total)

Designed Wood (53 files total)

Explosions Destructive (39 files total)

Explosions Glass (18 files total)

Explosions Metal (42 files total)

Explosions Realistic (110 files total)

Explosions Sci-Fi (87 files total)

Explosions Underwater (49 files total)

Explosions Wood (18 files total)

Find the complete asset list HERE

Technical Details

Total Audio Files: 1209

Total Cues: 1209

Total Wav: 1209

Total # of Individual Sounds: 1236

Total Minutes of Audio: 01 hours 8 minutes 52 seconds

Format: 96k kHz & 24 bit

Does the audio Loop? NO

Number of Sound FX: 1209

Target Platform: All

Documentation Included: Asset list only (see link above)

Important/Additional Notes: No

Additional: Stereo format

Supported Engine Versions

5.1 – 5.3