Female Military Radio Voice Clips Vol. I

A set of 200 phrases involving female military chatter.

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A set of 200 phrases involving female military chatter.

Each phrase is available in 2 versions featuring different intonation.

Files include modern military commands, responses, and expressions suitable for female infantry, commandos, tanks, vehicles, warships, navy, air force pilots, officers, and similar characters and units.






Technical Details

200 stereo .wav sound effects.

Files Included:

Abort Mission, Affirmative, All Clear, Attack Formation, Aye Aye Sir, Clear, Copy That, Cover Me, Covering Fire, Destroy Them, Don’t Let Them Surround Us, Drop Your Weapon, Eight, Enemy Engaged, Enemy Spotted, Engaging Enemy, Engaging Target, Fire At Will, Five, Flank Them, Follow The Leader, Four, Get Into Position, Go Go Go, Going In, Grenade, Hold Your Fire, Hostiles, Hours, Hundred, I Can’t Lose Him, I’m Hit, I’m In Position, I’m On It, I’m Out Of Ammo, I’m Wounded, Incoming, Keep Your Heads Down, Look Out, Man Down, Minutes, Mission Accomplished, Mission Completed, Mission Failed, Move Out, Moving, Negative, Nine, Objective Completed, Objective Failed, Objective Lost, Objective Taken, On The Floor Now, One, Open Fire, Operation Successful, Order Acknowledged, Order Received, Over, Over And Out, Package Delivered, Reinforcements Have Arrived, Reload, Reloading, Requesting Air Support, Returning, Returning To Base, Roger That, Seconds, Seven, Signal Lost, Sir Yes Sir, Six, Standing By, Status Report, Stay Low, Surround Them, Take Cover, Taking Cover, Target Destroyed, Target Eliminated, Target Hit, Target In Range, Target Locked, Target Lost, Target Spotted, Ten, The Cavalry Has Arrived, Thousand, Three, Transmission Received, Two, Understood, Visual On The Target, Wait, Wait For My Signal, We Need A Medic, Weapons Hot, Weapons Ready, We’re Under Fire

Number of Audio Waves: 200

Number of Audio Cues: 200

Sample rate / bit rate: 44.1 kHz, 16bit Stereo WAVs

Do Sound FX loop: No

Minutes of audio provided: 2:49

Supported Development Platforms: All

Supported Target Build Platforms: All

Supported Engine Versions

4.18 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3