Fight Game Select Character

Do you like fighting games ?This kit contains everything you need to start your game. With just a few duplicate codes you will make an initial menu, a selection characters menu, and fight characters. Don’t waste your time, let’s make fighting games now!




New Update!!!!

Do you like fighting games ?

This kit contains everything you need to start your game.

With just use a data table you can insert characters and stages into yout fight game. Don’t waste your time, let’s make fighting games now!


Simple Codes ready to drag and drop in to the level !

Blueprint that automatically spawn players for any level in Projects

Blueprint that automatically controls the camera

Menu Start (HUD)

Basic menu for entry and exit your game

Select player (HUD)

Clean layout ready for your character selection screen:

NamePlayers (Automatic)

3D Actors Real Time

Grid Basic (16)

Grid to enter how many characters you want

Loading levels easily by its names.

Game player

Layout Clean for your GamePlay:

Health bar

Energy bar

Time count (Automatic)


Supports two controllers at the same time

Basic moves for fighting games:





Technical Details


* 04 Tutorials

* 02 Data table (character and stage)

* 01 Gameplay to insert the level (BluePrint Actors)

* 01 SelectPlayer actor to insert the level (BluePrint Actors)

* 02 files format .psd to help you create your thumbnails (character and stages)

* Platform Tested: Desktop

* Tutorial (.pdf) how to add characters and scenarios

Important/Additional Notes: There are several stages both in the images above and as thumbnails in the Stage Selection screen of the project, but these stages are not included with the pack.

Supported Engine Versions

4.12 – 4.20, 4.22 – 4.23