Video Briefing:
Update Changelog:
The First Person Point and Click Camera emulates the view-oriented camera systems of the graphic adventure games of the 90s, such as Myst, Rama, Phantasmagoria, Scratches, and many more. Click from camera to camera and explore the world with a classic system, or with a modern edge.
This fully featured system allows the player to easily and intuitively drag and drop new clickable “Camera Zones” into the scene, and rapidly manipulate their components. It features over 25 customizable variables including camera transitions, the ability for the player to rotate a camera view, and special functions such as warping to a linked camera.
The asset pack was written entirely in blueprint, with all code commented, and highly centralized for easy dissection and potential expansion. It’s ready and functional right out of the box, with example levels included.
Technical Details
• (5) Blueprints: (1) Game Mode Blueprint, (1) Player Controller, (1) Player Pawn, (2) Actor Blueprints.
• (4) Enums
• BP_CameraZone. Camera zone that can be moved to and occupied by player. Open variables: debug readout, static or rotating camera, 0-10 red trigger cubes, 0-10 blue trigger cubes, starting camera, using Camera direction for facing direction, ignore cameras, camera blend time, blend ease out, blend ease in, special blue trigger zone function, linked camera, rotation bounds with use of mouse, camera transitions preserving orientation, rotation amount and rate, Y and Z rotation limits with minimum degrees and maximum degrees, and debug values for the current Y and Z degrees. 5 closed variables. The 1.1 release adds event dispatchers, a simple footsteps system, and bug fixes!
• GM_FPPaC. Game mode. Open variables: debug readout, current Camera Zone, previous Camera Zone, player camera Y and Z orientation. 1 closed variable.
• BP_FPPaCPlayerController. Player controller.
• BP_PlayerCameraPawn. Player character. Open variables: Flashlight behavior type, starting flashlight activation, activation delay, can turn flashlight on and off, camera sound effects.
• BP_GenericItem. Example of an interactable object. Open variable: debug readout. 1 closed variable.
• (2) sample textures. 1 512×512, and 1 256×256.
• (3) debug materials, (1) sample material.
Intended Platform: Microsoft Windows
Platforms Tested: Windows 7, Windows 10
Supported Engine Versions
4.11 – 4.27