Update 1.1.2 Video:
A fishing system with several features and custom settings. Fish automatically dodge objects in the water. The lake settings are customizable. Choose how many fish to spawn, their size, lake size, sensor locations and more. A fishing rod with reel that is incredible and makes it look like you are fishing in real life.
Before buying, know that this product is advanced. Lay people or people without basic knowledge should not buy this product. However, if you would still like to buy, the tutorials available will help you.
WARNING: This product will receive a new update (Update 1.2) that will change important aspects of the system. New easier to follow implementation tutorial will be added as well. The Product will no longer be “advanced/complex” as it will receive major code improvements. No expected date yet (update work has not yet started).
Technical Details
Current Product Version: 1.1.3
Patch Notes: Here
Number of Blueprints: 5.
Level: 1.
Materials: 44.
Texture: 29.
Skeletal Mesh: 7.
Static Mesh: 3.
Particle System: 1.
Widget Blueprint: 1.
Sound Wave: 12.
More Details:
Input: Keyboard, Mouse.
Sound Effects: Yes.
Network Replicated: Yes.
Supported Development Platforms: Windows: Yes. Mac: No.
Documentation: Here
Support Website: Here
Important/Additional Notes:
Supported Engine Versions
4.18 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3