Demo video available here
First Person Weapons Starter Pack offers four customizable first person weapons implemented entirely in Blueprints.
The Rocket Launcher features customizable HUD target locking, focusing in on the closest actor with a given gameplay tag in the player’s line of sight, and fires “rocket” child actors that autonomously seek a locked target, navigating around obstacles in their path, or follow a physics trajectory otherwise.
The Beam Weapon fires a beam of energy that applies a small push force to physics actors and continuously applies damage to all targets, and features a customizable “energy cell” in the top of the weapon that depletes as the beam is fired and recharges over time.
The Shrink Ray also fires a beam weapon, but instead of applying damage it steadily decreases the scale of physics actors along all three axes.
Meanwhile, the Grapple Gun fires projectile-based grapples that attach to whatever surface they impact. If this is a physics body, the mesh is pulled back toward the player until a minimum range is reached, at which point the grapple detaches and returns to the weapon. Otherwise, the player is pulled toward the fixed grapple, allowing for a “swinging” behavior that can be used to move across the map.
All weapons can be picked up and dropped by the player character with the same interface as the standard first person weapon.
Technical Details
Number of Blueprints: 4
Input: Standard first person input
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
Documentation: Documentation available here
Supported Engine Versions
5.1 – 5.2