
You can use it in your science fiction themed games in the near future or today. (Futuristic Prop Set) The construction of each piece has been designed with its own unique features.



The package content consists of Futuristic assets. A mixed set has been created for different areas and uses.

Continuation of the Futuristic Prop set series : (Volume Set03)


You can use it in your science fiction themed games in the near future or today. (Futuristic Prop Set)

The construction of each piece has been designed with its own unique features.

Advanced batteries were designed and named like Oxygen cylinders and Energy Components.

Displays on top of assets are in Separate UW layers for customization.

Materials and assets such as glass reside in the separate UW Tier.

In short, the assets contain solutions according to the usage details.

Note: There are no aging or color-changing Channels. Repainting is required.

If it is to be used only as a static object, it can be aged with decal textures.

Customization features can be added to this package by us upon request.

One question! whether you need it. Please let us know.


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At the same time, members can send request concepts.

Technical Details

The package content consists of Futuristic assets. A mixed set has been created for different areas and uses.

Here is a list of assets included in the set:

(Volume Set03)

Technical Details

AAA Quality Game Asset Game ready!

Physically Based Rendering (Yes)

Textures Sizes: (1024×1024 to 2048×2048)

BaseColor / Roughness – Metallic – Ambient Occlusion (RGB-Mask) / Normal Map

Collision: (Custom, Automatically Generated)


Number of Meshes: 20

Master Material: 2

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 21

Number of Textures: 73

OverviewMap: 1

Demo: 1


Supported Development Platforms: (PC, Mac, Console, VR, AR)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (PC, Mac, Console, VR, AR)

Supported Engine Versions

4.26 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.2