This package contains five fully completed garage interiors and lots of relevant props that can be conveniently reused in any other setting. For convenience, blueprints of props have been made to make it easy to adjust the color or position of some parts, just from the Details tab.
IMPORTANT: Cars are designed to demonstrate this asset, to use them in a game you need to do your own controls. Bones have been added to change the position of the wheels and steering wheel.
Technical Details
• High quality PBR texture sets
• 5 full complete garage interiors
• 2 car models (LODs, Rigged)
Meshes: 88 (3 Skeletal)
Collision: Yes, some automatically generated, some custom colliders.
Vertex: 10 – 100 000
LODs: Only on cars
Materials: 12 base materials, 91 material instances
Textures: 131
Texture Resolutions:
2048 [97]
1024 [22]
1024 x 512 [2]
512 [9]
256 [1]
Supported Engine Versions
4.25 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3