Ground Explosions (Realistic) – VFX Explosion Pack

Realistic ground explosions. 2d explosion texture sheets with Niagara systems and materials ready to go.

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This pack consists of 75 different texture sheets for quick explosions, and 15 premade Niagara systems ready to go when you load it up. All elements are from 2d texture sheets.

This product is selling only these fx, and is not selling a blueprint system for triggering explosions / throwing grenades. Material instances, emitters, and 15 Niagara systems are all setup for you though.

15 Premade Explosions Demo:

*HDRI used is CC0 – sourced from PolyHaven

*Grenade system used for demo purposes only – sourced from Matt Aspland on Youtube

Technical Details

Type of Emitters: Niagara

Number of Unique Effects: 75

LODs: No

Number of Materials: 80

Number of Textures: 75

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Documentation: README.txt inside content folder

Supported Engine Versions

5.0 – 5.3