Hand Painted Fantasy Town

Hand Painted Fantasy, complete with interiors and exteriors.

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Hand Painted Fantasy town. Utilizes our previous kit of tiling materials, which is also included in this kit!(link Below). With 171 items we tried to max out the exterior as well as offer interior settings as well. The house system is completely modular. The same sections used for the Hotel are used on the house and tavern. Animated windmill and water wheel created with blueprints inside the engine. The river is a moving texture assigned to the spline. This is a great starter kit or add-on pack for anyone looking for this particular style.

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Sub Kits included inside of this:

Plants Pack

Materials Pack

Technical Details

Texture Sizes:

Collision: Yes, Some custom, some per-face, some complex generated.

Vertex Count:mostly lower poly a few items break 5k.

LODs: Generated in Engine for large meshes

Number of Meshes: 171

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 77

Number of Textures: 200

Supported Development Platforms: PC, Console, VR, Most assets could be used for mobile.

Supported Target Build Platforms: Built on Windows and Rift

Documentation: Video Fly Through

Important/Additional Notes: Facebook No river physics.

Supported Engine Versions

4.15 – 4.27