*** Jump on these discounts for all of my packs as this will be the last sale I do for a very long time! Grab up what you need at a 30% discount off normal pricing! Hurry, the sale comes to an end soon!
Here is the roadmap to where I’m going with the new releases (called UPDATE 2024.01) so everyone is on the same page:
Question: Whats new in the pack?
Simple answer: 6 new 4033 x 4033 maps plus 1 new 10 minute ambient track to set the mood of your game. This brings the new map count from 102 up to 108 now as of the updates hitting all the versions of the engine.
Version 4.26 and 4.27 updates are in the process of being reviewed now, then I’m moving to upload the Update 2024 to the UE5 series of the engine. I added 6 new 4033 x 4033 maps and a new 10+ minute Ambient Moods soundtrack that you can use in your demos or games. It is a huge update but it’s coming to you guys in sections, so work with me! Those that already own the pack get it as a free update. The new maps can be found at HM_110, HM_111, HM_112, HM_113, HM_114 & HM_115. Look in the AUDIO folder for the new soundtrack with the cue file. If you have any questions, please let me know!
My BEST SELLING and MOST HIGHEST RATED product, HeightMaps Pack 1 is a awesome pack for those needing a great heightmaps pack. I’m working on updating the pack again for 2024 by adding a few new maps, a new ambient audio track of wind you can use and a few other bonus features to bring it into the new year and beyond! The new update will release around Jan/2024 and be free to all my fans who already bought a copy!
HeightMaps Pack 1 Update 4 is NOW OUT! This new update is now online. It features a new HeightMap, HM_101, which is a alien world or you can use it for a underwater scene. I have updated the brushehs to 45 now up from 42 and there will be a 11th MAP to explore (HM_101). Free update for all who already own the pack!
HeightMaps Pack 1 is a huge collection of 102 4k heightmaps. Each heightmap is carefully designed to take you to another world. Weather you are making a FPS, RTS, Sci-Fi or Fantasy game, this pack has you covered.
This is not just another collection of heightmaps. I have been working on this pack for the last 2 years. With it, you can make just about any world you ever wanted. So far, I have found you can make the following world types with this pack…
• Real World Locations
• Toxic Fallout Worlds
• Mountain ranges
• Scenic photo maps
• Sea Floors
• Alien Worlds
• Fantasy worlds
• Dark Ambient worlds
• RTS maps
• FPS maps
• Unique Islands
• Lava Worlds
• Big Valleys
• Canyons
• Deserts
This pack covers most every world type you might want for a game! The pack includes 102 16-bit PNG Greyscale HeightMaps, 45 Brushes and 12 Map samples with a map templet file you can use to setup your first level with.
Technical Details
Texture Resolutions:
Number of Unique Materials and Material Instances: 0/0
Number of Textures: 108
Supported Development Platforms: Windows: (Yes)
Supported Engine Versions
4.26 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3