Hex Grids V11.0

Hex Grids is a C++ plugin that makes working with hexagon grids easy. Built with performance in mind, this plugin exposes 50+ functions to blueprint for building and working with hex grids in the most efficient and flexible way possible.

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Promo Video: https://youtu.be/fLWIGmGJNtg

Quick Start / Overview Tutorial https://youtu.be/vfxx1rwJBGo

Example content all contained within the plugin.

Example Project to build a game grid. (4.25) Addition to the samples – shows how to modify the plugin for a tile based game.

New in 4.27, moving plugin to V11:

New unified data asset that replaces the old list of maps and arrays for storing grid info. The metadata asset allows easy querying, and expanding, of the metadata with ease.

Hex Grids is a C++ plugin that makes working with hexagon grids easy. All core functionality is written in C++ for maximum performance, and almost all functions are exposed to blueprint via function libraries. 4 maps explain how to use the plugin with many examples, and all blueprints are well commented for easy understanding.

If you want a quick grid without any fuss, just add a HexGridPreset component, give it a instance component, and you’re good to go. If you want to build a complex and powerful gameplay grid, you’re covered too, the plugin provides a solid framework to build complex setups.

Demo Content all contained in plugins contents

Full Source Code included

Technical Details

Code Modules:

Blueprints (All blueprints are examples of setups):

Number of C++ Classes:

Network Replicated: No – Untested

Supported Development Platforms: Win64, Win32

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64, Win32



Supported Engine Versions

4.17 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3