Demo Video:
DemoVideo VR Mode:
Demo Project: (Follow install note in github, you will be able to download editor build from nuget, so you don’t need to pay for trying this plugin.)
High Level design idea (Explained in Chinese):
Horizon Framework plugin is based on a high level design idea that aims to simplify the UMG management process and reduce the coupling between widgets and game logic. One of the main features of Horizon Framework plugin is that it supports stack operations for managing your UMG scenes, such as PushScene, PopScene, ChangeScene and ReplaceScene. These operations enable you to switch between different UMG scenes with ease and flexibility.
Each scene has its own life cycle and delegates that you can bind to implement your own gameplay logic.
One of the advantages of using HorizonScene is that it supports both 2D and 3D UIs, as well as VR mode, with minimal code changes. You can attach a widget component to the scene actor and display the widget in 3D space. You can also use the same widget blueprint for VR mode, where it will be displayed as a floating dialogue box.
Horizon Framework also supports multiple scene managers with different names, so you can have different stacks for different purposes. For example, you can have one scene manager for game UI and another one for popup UI.
Horizon Framework is a powerful and versatile UI management plugin that can help you create better user interfaces and game logic in Unreal Engine.
Technical Details
Code Modules:
Number of Blueprints: 0
Number of C++ Classes: 16
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac
Supported Target Build Platforms: All Platforms
Example Project:
Important/Additional Notes:
Supported Engine Versions
4.18 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3