This is the first pack. It has a blue print on which you can adjust the lamp light yourself or turn it off completely. From a small number of meshes, you can easily build a large room, diversifying it with decals. Contains two types of hospital beds, dropper, mattress, pillow, radiator, window, door, table, chair, washstand and more… Wall, floor and ceiling are easy to combine. In the near future I will introduce several packs of the same style. I hope you like it.
Technical Details
Number of Unique Meshes: 37
Collision: Yes, Automatically Generated.
Vertex Count: 4 – 8854
LODs: No
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 46
Number of Textures: 147
Texture Resolutions:
16×16 (5)
500×329 (1)
388×525 (3)
500X500 (1)
512Х512 (9)
600X447 (1)
800×740 (2)
679X1024 (2)
700×1119 (1)
1024×1024 (42)
2048×2048 (75)
2450×2083 (2)
2336×3504 (2)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: x64
Supported Engine Versions
4.24 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3