Ice Dragon Audio Pack

The Fire Dragon pack is an audio pack you can use to create the sounds of a big ice spewing dragon

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This is a construction pack that includes numerous audio files for creating sounds of an Ice spewing Dragon.

Audio Demo

Ice Freeze Attack 3 The sound of a ice freeze attack

Ice Freeze Attack 4 The sound of a ice freeze attack

Ice Icicle attack 1 Icicle shoot attack

Ice Icicle attack 2 Icicle shoot attack

Ice Icicle attack 3 Icicle shoot attack

Ice Icicle attack 4 Icicle shoot attack

Slow Paw Swipe 1 a Slow paw swipe whoosh

Slow Paw Swipe 2 a Slow paw swipe whoosh

Slow Paw Swipe 3 a Slow paw swipe whoosh

Slow Paw Swipe 4 a Slow paw swipe whoosh

Tail Swing Fast 1 Whoosh from a fast tail swipe

Tail Swing Fast 2 Whoosh from a fast tail swipe

Tail Swing Fast 3 Whoosh from a fast tail swipe

Tail Swing Fast 4 Whoosh from a fast tail swipe

Tail Swing Slow 1 Whoosh from a slow tail swipe

Tail Swing Slow 2 Whoosh from a slow tail swipe

Tail Swing Slow 3 Whoosh from a slow tail swipe

Tail Swing Slow 4 Whoosh from a slow tail swipe

Bite Crush 1 The sound of a bite crushing down

Bite Crush 2 The sound of a bite crushing down

Bite Crush 3 The sound of a bite crushing down

Bite Crush 4 The sound of a bite crushing down

Bite Crush 5 The sound of a bite crushing down

Fast Paw Swipe 1 The sound of a paw swipe

Fast Paw Swipe 2 The sound of a paw swipe

Fast Paw Swipe 3 The sound of a paw swipe

Fast Paw Swipe 4 The sound of a paw swipe

Ice Attack Stone Wall 2 Ice Impact stone wall

Ice Attack Stone Wall 3 Ice Impact stone wall

Ice Attack Stone Wall 4 Ice Impact stone wall

Ice Attack Stone Wall Ice Impact stone wall

Ice Break Attack 1 Ice breaking

Ice Break Attack 2 Ice breaking

Ice Break Attack 3 Ice breaking

Ice Break Attack 4 Ice breaking

Ice Dragon Breath 1 The sound of dragons breath shooting ice

Ice Dragon Breath 2 The sound of dragons breath shooting ice

Ice Dragon Breath 3 The sound of dragons breath shooting ice

Ice Dragon Breath 4 The sound of dragons breath shooting ice

Ice Freeze Attack 1 Freeze attack

Ice Freeze Attack 2 Freeze attack

Core Step 1 The core step of a dragon

Core Step 2 The core step of a dragon

Core Step 3 The core step of a dragon

Core Step 4 The core step of a dragon

Core Step 5 The core step of a dragon

Core Step 6 The core step of a dragon

Core Step 7 The core step of a dragon

Core Step 8 The core step of a dragon

Grass Step 1 Dragon step sound on grass

Grass Step 2 Dragon step sound on grass

Grass Step 3 Dragon step sound on grass

Grass Step 4 Dragon step sound on grass

Grass Step 5 Dragon step sound on grass

Grass Step 6 Dragon step sound on grass

Grass Step 7 Dragon step sound on grass

Grass Step 8 Dragon step sound on grass

Loose Rock Step 1 Dragon step sound on loose rocks

Loose Rock Step 2 Dragon step sound on loose rocks

Loose Rock Step 3 Dragon step sound on loose rocks

Loose Rock Step 4 Dragon step sound on loose rocks

Loose Rock Step 5 Dragon step sound on loose rocks

Loose Rock Step 6 Dragon step sound on loose rocks

Loose Rock Step 7 Dragon step sound on loose rocks

Loose Rock Step 8 Dragon step sound on loose rocks

Puddle Step 1 Dragon step sound in a small puddle

Puddle Step 2 Dragon step sound in a small puddle

Puddle Step 3 Dragon step sound in a small puddle

Puddle Step 4 Dragon step sound in a small puddle

Puddle Step 5 Dragon step sound in a small puddle

Puddle Step 6 Dragon step sound in a small puddle

Puddle Step 7 Dragon step sound in a small puddle

Puddle Step 8 Dragon step sound in a small puddle

Rock Step 1 Dragon step sound on rocks

Rock Step 2 Dragon step sound on rocks

Rock Step 3 Dragon step sound on rocks

Rock Step 4 Dragon step sound on rocks

Rock Step 5 Dragon step sound on rocks

Rock Step 6 Dragon step sound on rocks

Rock Step 7 Dragon step sound on rocks

Rock Step 8 Dragon step sound on rocks

Shallow Water Step 1 Dragon step sound in shallow step

Shallow Water Step 2 Dragon step sound in shallow step

Shallow Water Step 3 Dragon step sound in shallow step

Shallow Water Step 4 Dragon step sound in shallow step

Shallow Water Step 5 Dragon step sound in shallow step

Shallow Water Step 6 Dragon step sound in shallow step

Shallow Water Step 7 Dragon step sound in shallow step

Shallow Water Step 8 Dragon step sound in shallow step

Snow Step 1 Dragon step sound on snow

Snow Step 2 Dragon step sound on snow

Snow Step 3 Dragon step sound on snow

Snow Step 4 Dragon step sound on snow

Snow Step 5 Dragon step sound on snow

Snow Step 6 Dragon step sound on snow

Snow Step 7 Dragon step sound on snow

Snow Step 8 Dragon step sound on snow

Afraid 1 The sound of a dragon that is afraid

Afraid 2 The sound of a dragon that is afraid

Agro 1 The sound a dragon makes when you enter the agro range

Agro 2 The sound a dragon makes when you enter the agro range

Agro 3 The sound a dragon makes when you enter the agro range

Agro 4 The sound a dragon makes when you enter the agro range

Breath 1 Slow b a Slow dragons breath

Breath 1 Slow a Slow dragons breath

Breath 2 Fast a Fast Dragon breath

Breath Extended 2 a Dragon breath

Breath Extended a Dragon breath

Call 1 a Call/drone from one dragon to another dragon

Call 2 a Call/drone from one dragon to another dragon

Call 3 a Call/drone from one dragon to another dragon

Call 4 a Call/drone from one dragon to another dragon

Death 1 The sound a Dragon makes when dying

Death 2 The sound a Dragon makes when dying

Death 3 The sound a Dragon makes when dying

Death 4 The sound a Dragon makes when dying

Eating 1 The sound of a eating dragon

Eating 2 The sound of a eating dragon

Extra Breath 1 Extra dragon breaths

Extra Breath 2 Extra dragon breaths

Extra Breath 3 Extra dragon breaths

Extra Breath 4 Extra dragon breaths

Growl _ Scream 1 long a Long Dragon Growl

Growl _ Scream 1 short a Long Dragon Growl

Growl _ Scream 2 long a Short Dragon Growl

Growl _ Scream 2 short a Short Dragon Growl

Idle 1 The sound a dragon makes when not doing anything (Idle)

Idle 2 The sound a dragon makes when not doing anything (Idle)

Inquisitive 1 The sound a dragon makes when he/she heard something

Inquisitive 2 The sound a dragon makes when he/she heard something

Laugh 1 The dragons laugh

Laugh 2 The dragons laugh

Laugh 3 The dragons laugh

Laugh 4 The dragons laugh

Long grunt 1 (being hit) Grunt of dragon performing a action like swiping, or jumping

Long grunt 1 (perform action) Grunt of dragon performing a action like swiping, or jumping

Long grunt 2 (being hit) The sound of a dragon that is being hit

Long grunt 2 (perform action) The sound of a dragon that is being hit

Pain 1 Long a Long pain sound of a dragon

Pain 1 Short a Long pain sound of a dragon

Pain 2 Long a Short pain sound of a dragon

Pain 2 Short a Short pain sound of a dragon

Roar 1 a Dragons Roar

Roar 2 a Dragons Roar

Running 1 fast a Dragons breath when running or flying fast

Running 2 slow a Dragons breath when running or flying slow

Sadness 1 The sound of a sad dragon

Sadness 2 The sound of a sad dragon

Short Grunt 1 (Being hit) The sound of a dragon that is being hit

Short Grunt 1 (perform action) Grunt of dragon performing a action like swiping, or jumping

Short grunt 2 (being hit) The sound of a dragon that is being hit

Short grunt 2 (perform action) Grunt of dragon performing a action like swiping, or jumping

Snore 1 a Dragon snoring

Walking 1 Fast The breath sounds of a dragon walking or flying fast

Walking 1 Slow The breath sounds of a dragon walking or flying slow

Air Wing Flap 1 -8 The sounds of wings flapping in air

Air Wing Flap The sounds of wings flapping in air

Wing Flap Fast 1 -8 Fast Wing Flap

Wing Whoosh 1 -8 The whoosh sounds of wings

Wings Ground Flap 1 – 8 The sounds wings make when flapping on the ground

Technical Details

Number of Audio Waves: 184

Number of Audio Cues: 184

Sample rate / bit rate: (44,100 Hz 24Bit)

Do Sound FX loop: (Some of them Do)

Minutes of audio provided: 11:40

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

Mac: (Yes)

Documentation: Link

Important/Additional Notes: NONE

Supported Engine Versions

4.27, 5.3