Check out the associated course Independent Filmmaking With Unreal Engine on the Epic Dev Community.
In this course, you’ll learn how to use Unreal Engine for virtual production and post-production, bringing together all the pieces of your workflow into a unified environment to create a short film. We’ll explore how to build environments in the engine, adding assets and lighting along the way. You’ll discover how to optimize projects for real-time performance before diving into the virtual production process, learning how to use Sequencer to produce the film virtually. Finally, we’ll take a look at post-production to wrap up the short film and get it ready for immediate distribution.
Using Unreal Engine as your production and post-production software, bring together all the pieces of your workflow into this unified environment to create a short film. Once assets are gathered or produced (including assets created in-engine), they will be imported into the Engine and Production will begin. After Production, Post-Production will wrap up the creation of the short film and get it ready for immediate distribution.
Technical Details
UE-Only Content – Licensed for Use Only with Unreal Engine-based Products
Compatibility: Unreal Engine 4.25
Supported Engine Versions