Isometric Action RPG Template

The Template comes with Click-to-Move controls, a click to interact and attack blueprint interface system, enemies, character mechanics and multiple objects that make creating new mechanics easier and modular.

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With the Isometric Action RPG Template, you will be able to move the main character through mouse clicks, it will also have a system of dodging and locking the enemy.

This template also brings a level-up system with the main attributes of all RPGs and variable scales for the best balance of your game.

You’ll also find collectibles that alter HP, MP, and XP values. As well as the item DROP system, with the XP drop already configured.

It will have a destructive item system, basic enemies and boss enemies, object and enemy spawn system.

Learn more about the template by watching the videos below:

Overview –

Gameplay –

Demo –

Technical Details

Technical Details:

– Player Character with click to move and attack, a dodge, and a lock-on system. Controls are called from the Player Controller, with Controller inputs ready.

– A leveling system on the Player Character, with Stats that scale with level and many variables to balance the gameplay.

– Collectables with a simple-to-use behavior for physics or homing. With 3 Orbs (HP, MP, and XP) and Money drops ready to use.

– Interactable Objects using a Blueprint Interface system, with a click to interact and highlights on cursor over.

– Basic Enemies with basic AI ready to use, many functions for drops and behavior, and using the same Stats code as the player. There’s also a Boss enemy with a custom HP Bar on top of the screen.

– Spawner Objects who spawns Objects or Enemies as you wish, with many ways to customize behavior.

– A Basic Ingame HUD with custom art for HP and MP bars, showing Gold, Level, and XP in a classic style.

– A Game Mode with some functions to manage gameplay, with an example map for you to test.

– 3 Travel objects for you to use (Teleport, Jump, and Spark Fly), each of them with a unique way to personalize movement.

– All Objects are made with Blueprints only, and they all follow a simple and straightforward comment and tooltip pattern so you never get lost while reading the code.

Number of Blueprints: 35 (4 for Overview)

Input: Keyboard and Mouse, Gamepad

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

Mac: (No)


Supported Engine Versions

4.27, 5.0 – 5.3