Item Box Pack II

This is some Boxes, parts, blueprints

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1. convenience

– Dynamic Materials : If you drag and drop from BluePrint folder, Dynamic Instance Material will be created. so you don’t need to copy Instance.

If you make Alt copy from your scene, Dynamic Material is same.

To create New Dynamic Instance Material in alt copy, Open Blueprint, go to Construction tap and

please delete “ItemboxII Dynamic Material” attached “Create Dynamic Material Instance” Function.

It’s connected “Source Material”.

2. Changeable Dirt

– All meshes have base Old dirt. and can mix some dirt.

– Some boxes have paint parameter. Not all.

3. BluePrint

– To open cap while playing game. construction and event script(change Dirt and open cap)

– To change Dirt Parameter while making your scene. construction script only(change dirt only for static meshes).

– This meshes is ready for changing dirt while playing game because of parameter. No Scripts for that.

4. Interaction Key is “F”

-Go to box close then just press “F” to open box.


3 box added(No changeable dirt)

Technical Details

Supported Engine Versions

4.12 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3