Japanese Construction Site Props

A collection of Japanese construction site assets that can be used for games.

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Japanese Construction Site Asset pack containing 18 unique static meshes, with lightmaps, collisions.

This asset includes:

A-Barricade, A-Barricade(wooden), GuardFence(2patterns x 4types + weight), PlasticFence[+ weight],

Pylon[+ bar and weight], SignBoard[3patterns], SignBoard[LargeSize], ArrowBoard, CushionDrum

*openable objects such as SignBoard have their closed version.

**some objects have their no-dirt version.

Technical Details

Number of Unique Meshes:58

Collision: Yes, automatically generated

Vertex Count: 266 ~ 18,378

LODs: No

Number of Materials: 2

Number of Material Instances: 46

Number of Textures: 130

Texture Resolutions: 2K textures

Supported Development Platforms: 5.0

Supported Engine Versions
