Japanese Onsen Environment

Japanese hot spring environment

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SUBSTANCE PLUGIN is needed for all textures to load as intended (its free for download).

A Japanese inspired, game ready environment. All assets (3D models, materials and effects) shown are included in this pack.

Video showcase here (OLD water and foliage, look at pictures for the updates)

The usage of this environment:

Useful for starter artists who want to learn how environments can be set up.

Asset starter pack for games developers

To learn how different materials, particles and foliage is set up.

Made in UE4.19, but it should work with any version.

After buying it will be free for any use (But please don’t share the asset packs to those who haven’t bought it).

Every purchase is highly appreciated and I will continue making more things like this.

Side notes*

The vines and bushes were created using S. Krezel’s Spline Generator and then merged into static meshes.

SUBSTANCE PLUGIN is needed for all textures to load as intended (its free for download).

Fire and steam particles are from the StarterContent, just edited and polished.

Color grading and post process effects are on the cinecameraActor.

Rain sound effects are not in the scene.

LODs are not setup for this individual scene.

Technical Details

Texture Sizes (Source sizes, most have been LOD biased for performance):

Wood textures are made in Substance, or grabbed from www.pexels.com and edited.

(https://www.pexels.com/photo/board-brown-dried-hardwood-172286/ is the main one used on wooden assets.)

Collision: Yes, most are simple as complex, and some have box colliders.

LODs: Not set up (As it is quite situational. If you want to know how to set them up dont hesitate to contact me.)

Number of Meshes: 50

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 32 (+ Substance instances)

Number of Textures: Roughly 75 texture files/images

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, UE4.19 and up (Older ones most likely work too)

Supported Engine Versions

4.18 – 4.27