K2Node for Better Blueprints, an improved construct objects

construct objects exposing dispatchers and variables

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It’s the improved version of the construct objects k2 node, it gives the possibility to expose variables and even dispatchers.

Useful to do everything, and tide up every blueprint.

Technical Details

Code Modules: “Actions”, “Type”: “Runtime”, “ActionsEd”, “Type”: “UncookedOnly”

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 5

Network Replicated: (Yes/No) No

Supported Development Platforms: Win32, Win64, HoloLens, Mac, XboxOne, PS4, IOS, Android, HTML5, Linux, TVOS, Switch

Supported Target Build Platforms: 4.20+

Documentation: https://github.com/sergio2692/ActionsSystem/blob/main/README.md

Important/Additional Notes:

Supported Engine Versions

4.27, 5.0 – 5.1