**NEW FEATURES (v1.2)**
Now also supports additional short-range 360 degree visualization outside the primary vision cone.
Line of Sight Visualization is a 100% blueprint powered framework created in Unreal Engine. Built with a primary focus on modularity and ease of use, the system can be easily added to game characters for accurate representation of their Line of Sight zones.
The visualization system employs dynamically updated procedural meshes to portray line of sight zones, relying on raycast driven edge detection approximations to deliver vastly increased performance over brute force models.
Additional Notes: The Edge Detection algorithm uses raycasts to approximate edge points of an object at runtime. As a result, mesh based actors with low poly collision shapes that protrude outside the base mesh might have their edges portrayed on the invisible collision surfaces. Using a custom trace channel that interacts only with the mesh would be recommended under these special circumstances.
Technical Details
Number of Blueprints: 7 (including widgets & examples)
Input: Mouse & Keyboard
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows
Documentation: Fully Commented; Examples Included
Supported Engine Versions
4.21 – 4.27