Check out the associated course Live Link for Performance Capture on the Epic Dev Community.
Are you a filmmaker looking to stream live performances into Unreal Engine for virtual production? This is the course for you! We’ll explore how to link a character to a live input of a prosumer-level mocap suit inside the Unreal Editor.
You’ll learn how to use a live link to drive real-time performance and create real-time VFX. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to retarget live motion capture data to characters within Unreal Engine and record the performances as individual takes for use in content creation.
Technical Details
UE-Only Content – Licensed for Use Only with Unreal Engine-based Products
Compatibility: Unreal Engine 4.26
While you can take this course without access to a piece of performance capture hardware and learn the basic concepts of integration, it is recommended that you have access to a performance capture suit that is compatible with Unreal Engine to take full advantage of what this workflow has to offer.
This course project file requires the Rokoko Studio Live plugin regardless of your access to the suit hardware. If you do not already have it installed, please go to the Marketplace to download it – it is free.
When the project opens, you may be greeted with a message saying the plugin for the Smartsuit Pro is missing, continue opening the project, enable the Rokoko Studio Live plugin and restart. This should solve any issues.
Supported Engine Versions