You Required install the free plugin for the mall first:“Audio Analysis Tools” (Required)and “File System Library”(Required).
You can import audio files in MP3, WAV, FLAC, OGG formats into the playlist at runtime, and then choose to play in a loop mode.
Playlists can import one or more files, or they can directly import files within the entire folder that match the extension.
In Windows, projects can be directly packaged to play local music files,
Technical Details
Play: Pause, NextSong, PreviousSong, stop,mute
PlayList:Add Files, Add Folders, save, delete, clear list
Playback mode:Single Play, Sequential play, Random play, Single Loop, List Loop
Modification: 1. After deletion, it can still be played
2. ProgressBar Drag failure
Change Background:
Number of Blueprints:
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms:
Mac: No
Documentation: English,Chinese,
Important/Additional Notes:
1.You Required install the free plugin for the UnrealEngine Marketplace first:“Audio Analysis Tools”(Required) and “File System Library”(Required).
2.Demo sound source – free content in the UnrealEngine Marketplace: Quartz Music System
Supported Engine Versions
5.0 – 5.2