Lord of the deserts: Sandworm

SandWorm, The Absolute ruler of the deserts is a 6 meter wide and 60 meter long giant sand worm. This asset comes with, 3 Skins, 30 Morphs, 43 Animations and a Advanced Material.

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SandWorm, Ablosute ruler of the Dunes.

a Boss, Monster or a character for UE 4.26 and up.

Main preview video

Mesh: Asset contains one big worm of dunes that 6 meter in wide and 60 meter in long. Mesh is build with 53942 vertices.

Morphs: 30 Morph targets are done for manipulating mouth, teeths, overall body and segment forms.

please see morphs preview video.

Animations: Asset comes with 43 animations like very different movements, idle, attack, jump and reveals from underground, and some attack and spit animations. Please see animations in preview video.

Advanced Material: this material gives you very wide control worms visuals. material uses different effects for colorizing, HUE, displacement and emission. please see material preview video for details.

list of material parameter groups: Base Color, Roughness, Metallic, Normal, Subsurface, Emission, Displacement, Blood, Dirt, Detailed AO, soft AO, Curvature, Gradient by segment, Gradient by whole body length, Variation per segment, Dashed by segments, Edge spots, Curvature and Tileable details 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Bonus 1: simple control rig : Asset also contains a bonus control rig. This is done in UE 4.26 and needs “enabled” control rig plugin. Main purpose of this rig is showing some possible ways of morphs usage. beside of 4 point bezier-spline controls, there is 2 controls for mouth. one is closes motuh for underground movements and another is extract mouth to outside for catch or swallow.

Bonus 2: TPS character BP: Ready to play Character BP as an example for Morphs and animations usage within character blueprints. see the update video for this.

Fictional Backstory:

Any environment has own lords, the absolute rulers. For deserts, “The absolute one” is the SandWorms. Ask to locals, all of them knows that, is the unescapeable end for everyone who lost in the dunes is the Ruler of the sands, not heat of the sun. and always remember that old words left behind by the ancestors of locals: if you hearing that sun sings, and wind wispers while sands are dances under feets, Behold The Absolute!

Technical Details

Number of Blueprints: 2

Rigged: YES

Rigged to Epic skeleton: NO

Number of bones: 22

Animated: YES

Number of Animations: 43

Animation types: In-place

Number of Morph targets: 30

Number of characters: 1

Vertex counts of characters: 53942

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 1 Advanced material and 10 instances

Number of Textures: 3 textures per skin. 3 skins in total. + 1 shared texture map and 1 tileable texture. 11 textures in total

Texture Resolutions: 4K for 1 tileable texture and 8K for other 10 textures.

developed and tested in: Windows 11

Supported Engine Versions

4.26 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3