Low Poly Yoga Meditation Room

Low poly room with meditation yin yang yoga mat interior.

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This set includes 50 unique props: yoga mat / chakra canvas / front door / windows / tv entertainment system with speakers and a Alexa! / night stand with lava lamp, book and box charger / yoga box chairs, table and zen bowl next to wall art decor / Exterior has gutters, mailbox and a chakra canvas by the dim lights plus small other details to give it that relaxing spiritual meditation yoga vibe!

Technical Details

(Interior and Exterior Props)

Number of Unique Meshes: 52

Collision: (Yes “1” front door, automatically generated)

LODs: (No)

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 10 Materials / 3 Material Instances

Number of Textures: 2

Texture Resolutions: (color texture 512×512 / chakra and yin yang image 4k)

Supported Development Platforms: Mac: (Yes)

Supported Engine Versions

5.2 – 5.3