Lustberg (Lithuanian “Linksmakalnis”) is an open world environment inspired by a real place in Lithuania (ex radio intelligence base).
Some context for this environment: After rising water levels left the place cut off from the main land, it was deserted and forgotten.
Cinematic video overviews:
Packaged game, uncompressed videos on Google Drive
The environment is optimized for high-end machines, but it can run on lower-end devices with some adjustments. For example, disabling Virtual Heightfield Mesh and Height RVT can improve performance. The product was tested on Steam Deck and achieved ~40fps at full resolution with no optimizations.
The product requires the following plugins to function: Water, WaterExtras, GeometryScripting, and VirtualHeightfieldMesh.
The environment also includes some meshes from my UVB-80 Modular Military Base project, such as a gate, a dish-satellite, and a metal water-tower.
Technical Details
(Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
Number of Unique Meshes: 280
Collision: (Yes, mixed)
Vertex Count: >99999999
LODs: (Mixed, mostly Nanite)
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 58
Number of Textures: 85
Texture Resolutions: 4k
Supported Engine Versions