Magic Symbol Recognizer

A symbol recognizing / gesture tracking component. Create symbols that can trigger custom events!

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Quick Setup Tutorial

Cropout Example Project Tutorial

Discussion / Help / Feature Request Thread

*UPDATE* Multi-stroke symbols are now supported! *UPDATE*

Cast spells and trigger custom events with this magic symbol recognition component! You can add custom symbols that you draw to the template library and map those by name to custom spells or events via a data table. The magic symbol recognizer component is currently set up for top-down games but it would not be difficult to modify for side scrollers, card games, mobile games, and VR projects.

All you have to do is add the actor component to your player character or controller and set up input events to start the capture mode. Then in the map provided you can draw, save, view, and remove symbols from your template library. The symbol recognizer works with single-stroke symbols (meaning drawn in one go without releasing) and is angle invariant. This means that users can draw an arrow at a slightly off angle and it will still be recognized, however, the recognizer does not differentiate between up arrows and down arrows, so keep that in mind. You may want a few different methods of drawing each symbol, but that’s up to you! *note* adding multi-stroke support has made input setup a little more complicated but the example provided should guide you.

Technical Details

(Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

Number of Blueprints: 10+

Input: Top-Down mouse input pre-configured

Network Replicated: No (let me know if you’re interested in replication)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Win64/Win32

Supported Engine Versions

5.0 – 5.3