A fast and accurate mesh voxelizer.
Used for creating and visualizing volumetric data.
Supports voxelizing meshed in realtime.
Supports voxelizing mesh temporally.
Includes a volumetric data visualization material (and self shadow).
Includes an implement of pseudo-volume texture.
(Resolution is up to 256^3.)
(Mesh in screenshots are not included (source: Standford Scanning Model).)
Everything was created in Blueprint and Material.
And here is an detailed demonstration video:
Technical Details
Voxelizing Mesh In Realtime
Rendering Volumetric Data
Number of Blueprints: 1
Input: default
Network Replicated: default
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows
Important/Additional Notes:
The volumetric data created by the voxelizer can be use on subsurface rendering and smoke rendering and so on. Above all, do think twice before buying. ( ˃᷄˶˶̫˶˂᷅ )
Supported Engine Versions
4.18 – 4.22, 4.24