A postprocess and render target based fog of war system using blueprint.
Set up a map size for the Fog of war and also have backgrounds and environments beyond it still show up.
Using actor positions and world position to draw to render targets allows for accurate sight.
Fog of war helper blueprint keeps track of each actor that needs to reveal the fog of war or conceal.
No need to mess around with lights to illuminate areas
No need to use decals and awkward blending mode math to fake a revealing area.
No need to place awkward planes with textures on them in the world.
Post Process material wraps to the world for you.
Currently seen areas will hide after not being seen.
Previously explored areas have permanance on the fog of war. This is also useful for any minimap system.
AI and Multiplayer supported
Technical Details
Blueprints: Player and AI character, Fog Of War helper,
Supported Engine Versions
5.0 – 5.2