This package contains 12 Animated Military Cases, With PBR Textures, Animations (Open/Close) for each one Box and Blueprints.
*Weapons not included in this Package*
Credits For the Weapons that I used for usages examples:
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Technical Details
Technical Details:
Number of Static Meshes: 24
Number of Skeletal Meshes: 12
Number of Animations Sequences: 24
Tris Count: 3,596 to 9,462
Number of Blueprints: 13
Number of Materials: 2
Number of Material Instances: 24
Number of Textures: 48
Texture Resolution: 4096.
LODs: No.
Collision: Custom (Handmade).
Nomenclatures and Sufixes of Asset Pack
SM_ : Static Meshes.
SK_ : Skeletal Meshes.
T_ : Textures.
_BC : Base Color.
_N : Normal Maps.
M_ : Materials.
_RMA : Roughness, Metallic and Ambient Occlusion.
BP_ : Blueprints.
MI_ : Material Instances.
Supported Engine Versions
4.20 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3