Minimap, Map and Navigation System

Build a fully customized and texture based Minimap, Map and Navigation System for your next big title.

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MInimap, Map and Navigation System is a plugin designed to create customizable and optimized texture based Minimaps and Maps for your next big title. Forget dealing with the limitations of RenderTargets to design your Minimaps, which are performance heavy for larger worlds. This system can handle thousands of Points of Interest at a time without affecting the performance, and is designed keeping Open World RPGs in mind, however the flexibility and ease of implementation allows you to use this system in any kind of game you want, from archviz projects to real time strategy games. Actors represented as Points of Interest in the Minimaps and Maps are implemented via Datatable and each POI Actor class added to the Datatable has its own set of unique properties, making it simple to add a variety of different POI having different functionalities.



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Technical Details

Code Modules:

Number of Blueprints: 14

Number of C++ Classes: 14

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms: Windows , MacOS

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows , MacOS , Android, IOS , PS4, Xbox One, Oculus, Steam VR

Supported Engine Versions

4.20 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3