The Mixed Reality Toolkit Hub is an entry point to the Mixed Reality Toolkit for Unreal. It is a new way for developers to discover, update, and add Microsoft Mixed Reality plugins into their Unreal projects. You can view plugins, see their dependencies and install them into your project all without leaving the Unreal Editor.
– Discover new Microsoft Mixed Reality plugins and install them and their dependencies into your project.
– Keep your Microsoft Mixed Reality plugins up to date.
– Remove Microsoft Mixed Reality plugins from your project.
The Mixed Reality Toolkit for Unreal (MRTK-Unreal) is a set of components, in the form of plugins, samples and documentation, designed to help development of Mixed Reality applications using the Unreal Engine. Currently, the toolkit currently consists of:
– UX Tools for Unreal, which provides code, blueprints, and examples to implement UX features for HoloLens 2 applications.
– Graphics Tools for Unreal, which helps improve the visual fidelity of Mixed Reality applications while staying within performance budgets.
Technical Details
This plugin adds a new button to the editor’s toolbar to open the MRTK Hub. The plugin is self-contained and dependencies should not be taken on it’s C++ code or Blueprints.
The plugins downloaded directly from Microsoft and are installed into your project’s _Plugins_ directory. They should be checked into source control like any other project plugin.
Available Plugins:
Code Modules:
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: None
Supported Engine Versions
4.26 – 4.27, 5.0