2.0 only available for 4.26 and later versions
Includes a Master blueprint that can be duplicated as a child and edited further to create custom flying vehicles. Propeller dynamics system, Collision system, Parachute and more.
Lots of options to help you create tons of different style aircraft. Non physics collision and flight system.
Only static mesh used. Animate anything by swapping out and positioning meshes and adjusting options.
New Video Intro———Ships Demo Video———–Arcade mode Demo Video ———– Old Video
Certain ships in the old video were changed to avoid copyright infringement.
The Pilot variable throughout the blueprint is to be replaced by your character, this would then set up your character to work with the collision system. The collision system is based on Generate Overlap Events. With this enabled that mesh will then interact with the Ship Collider. The Ship Collider can be resized and can also work adding more volumes to better fit your ship (this requires adding new Volume nodes similar to the Ship Collider within the blueprint).
Technical Details
Supported Engine Versions
4.21 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3