Modular Ink HUD is a fully functional HUD you can add to your game in a few simple steps.
***UPDATE: now with a fully functional Main menu and Pause menu (preview link below)***
***UPDATE: Simple, versatile and robust Questsystem for creating some basic quest ***
(but remember the pack is still all about the HUD ;P, but i like to give some extra value )
Including brush stroke shaped status bars, a fully functional Minimap with markers to highlight points of interest and a ammo and weapon widget to keep track of your ammunition and many more small and usefull widgets to add to your HUD.
All Widgets are drag and drop and will work totally autonomous once you integrated a simple interface into your main character.
Furthermore i added two widget components to add widgets to other actors and display some details and add something like a rarity (normal/legendary/epic etc) colour.
Try it out and if you have any ideas what might should be added in future updates don’t hesitate to leave a comment and let me know.
Soon to be added updates/additions to this asset are:
have ideas what else can be added? just write me and i put it on my list
Have fun
Main/Pause Menu:
Quest system :
Technical Details
Texture Size: most are 256×256 some are 512×512 and a few are 1024×1024
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Supported Engine Versions
4.25 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.1