Get FREE demo (only 30 blueprints and much less mesh assets)
This pack contains 50 ready to go Blueprints for creating old Soviet village houses. It also includes 3 Blueprints with procedural fences, 2 with procedural power lines and 3 with interactive village toilets.
These types of houses can be seen in pretty much any Russian village.
You can choose from 2 walls and roofs types, 5 windows, 5 doors, and set any color hue.
Windows and doors are interactive.
Technical Details
Texture Sizes: 2048-4096
Collision: Yes – Custom
Polygon Count: 686 – 11080 triangles
LODs: No
Lightmaps: Yes – custom
Number of Meshes: 145
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 9 materials and 98 instances
Number of Textures: 307
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows
Supported Engine Versions
4.19 – 4.27