Modular Synth Presets Vol.1 is a set of Modular Synth Presets to implement synthetic and procedural sound to your music project/game. You can simply make the sound by adding the preset to the Modular Synth Component and using “Note On” and additionally “Note Off” nodes. By connecting the game parameters and the sound parameter, you can realize the interactive sound – not just looping the same sound. In the Preset Player Map, you can check the sound quickly by your PC’s keyboard or mouse. Also, in the Drum Machine Map, you can see an example of how the Modular Synth and Time Synth can be used in your musical project. It will be a great help for your interactive & procedural game/music project (or a project that needs to be small for some reason). This set includes 25 Presets.
Technical Details
*Please enable “Synthesis and DSP Effects” and “Time Synth” plugins.
33 Modular Synth Presets
2 Bonus maps for interactive & procedural sound.
Number of Maps: 2
[Bonus] Preset Player – A small project to check the sounds in preset banks
[Bonus] Drum Machine – Simple Drum Machine
*These maps are bonuses and are not supported for building.
Number of Modular Synth Presets: 33
■24 General Tones:
EDM Lead, Sub Lead, Backing Saw, Chop Chord, Bass, Ascending Siren, Pop Sounds, Electric Guitar, Overdrive Guitar, Wobble Bass, Funk Bass, Bell, Church, Sea, Ethnic, etc.
■9 Drums:
Bass, Snare, Tam, Hat Close, Hat Open, Scratch, etc.
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
*You need to enable “Synthesis and DSP Effects” and “Time Synth” plugins.
Network Replicated: (No)
The Modular Synth and Time Synth are currently experimental.
Please check out the Audio Start guide and the Experimental Features.
They do not recommend shipping projects with Experimental features.
Supported Engine Versions
4.23 – 4.27