
Moon horror characters with facial morph

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Two horror moon characters with different sets of textures.

The characters is rigged to Epic skeleton, includes 7 test standard animations, has a humanoid ragdoll set up and 3 physic assets. On the model’s face there are 1 Morph Target of a blink.

The skeleton has a eye bone.

Please note that most of the bones from the epic skeleton have been removed due to characters structure, so the skeleton cannot be considered an epic. But you can still retarget animations without issue.

Quick video tutorial on retargeting animations

Technical Details

Rigged: (Yes)

Rigged to Epic Skeleton: (Yes)

Animated: (No) epic test animations provided

Number of Animations: 7 (x2) free epic test animations

Number of characters: 2

Vertex counts of character:

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 4 Materials, 12 Material Instances, 1 Subsurface Profile.

Number of Textures: 47

Supported Development Platforms:

Important/Additional Notes:

For the effect of dangling legs use the “Legs” Physics Asset

Moon only have root, pelvis, thing_l/r, calf_l/r, calf_twist_01_l/r, foot_l/r, ball_l/r, thing_twist_01_l/r, ik_foot_root, ik_foot_l/r bones.

Moon with no legh have root, pelvis, ik_foot_root bones.

Supported Engine Versions

4.18 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3