Music Player Scene Component

Creates a music player with TrackList datatable items.

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This is a full Blueprint MusicPlayer SceneComponent. Creates a playlist with your TrackList datatable items.

You can use Artist, Title, Album infos in your screen. Creating a widget or not is entirely up to you.

Each time a new track being played, OnCreateWidget event dispatcher being called. Also I added an example event for that in my NewPlayerController Blueprint. If you create a widget with that event, you need to destroy it with OnWidgetDestroy event dispatcher which is being called when current track finishes or prev/next track functions called.

Now you can check fade and slide booleans to have nice animations.

Musics in demo file are different from the project due to copyright issues. In project, you will have 11 CC0 musics.



Update ( 07/12/2020) :

Update ( 08/10/2019) :

Technical Details


Number of Blueprints: 3 (MusicPlayerSC, GameMode and PlayerController)

Number of Structs: 2

Number of Widget Blueprints: 2 (One of them is for documentation only.)

Input: Depends on user decisions. Keyboard Q,W,E used for example project.

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows. (Blueprint only, can work on all.)

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows. (Blueprint only, can work on all.)

Documentation: Well documented with in Blueprints. Easy to understand what to do.

Supported Engine Versions

4.21 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.2